Categories: 营销


做谷歌SEO优化,获取谷歌外链是重要一环。通过邮件联系博主和站长是国外市场获取外链的主要方式。英文还有这样一个词叫做Email Outreach。






如果你使用邮件模板,人们很容易就会发觉这一点。 “Hi, Tamara. I just found your amazing post. I have a similar amazing post! What about adding an amazing link to it?”

可以想象,其他许多人也收到了相同的邮件。 这样的邮件大概率会被被扔到了垃圾箱中。

这是大多数SEO运营都会遇到的问题。 我们的SEO专家Valerie Frolova反映,她发邮件给一些站长,但是经常没有回复,而这些站长的社交媒体页面在保持频繁的更新。

“It seems like they reply to anyone but not me (especially when they mention our competitors — how DARE they?). Then I take a deep breath and rewrite my email with a clear understanding that it sucks, and I would never reply to it, too.”




JustReachOut的创始人Dmitry Dragilev说,多数情况下,SEO外链建设的问题是,获得的链接本身没有太大意义。 换句话说,只是为了链接而链接。


  • 你把有关邮件营销的文章链接到您的Facebook Ads教程里。
  • 你把有关业务运营的播客片段链接到“最佳邮件营销自动化工具”指南里。
  • 你从一篇2,000字的文章中获得了一个链接,并且其中已有15个链接。
  • 你从某个域名中的文章中获得了一个链接,但在他们发布的每个博客文章中都有大量的链接。


“Find a place where a link to your piece of content enhances the original article and the experience the reader has as they consume and digest the information. A lot of times your job will be to add examples to your piece of content on your site, which you can reference and ask for a link to from other websites.”



正如Pearl Lemon创始人Deepak Shukla所说,许多人不了解,外链建设重点只在于诚实,建立关系并提供价值。 这是这个工作的核心。

In the beginning, you may not have a strong brand or be creating remarkable content that will cause others to want to associate with you. I had this same problem — I didn’t realize I needed to create content that would demonstrate my value to others. This would have helped foster and forge relationships faster.



我们获得了很多回答,从摩天大楼技术到shortgun outreach;有的回答非常值得参考。

Guest Posting

许多网站都渴望获得优质的内容。 而且,如果你从帖子中提供很多价值,那么成功的机会就高得多。 你还可以更好地控制锚文本。


“You’re less likely to need to crowbar in links that stick out like a sore thumb in the narrative — because you control the narrative. For example, trying to secure a link to something obscure like NDA automation from a post that’s already live is much more precarious than writing a post about NDA automation and then placing it. Once someone has agreed to take your post, then your success rate at securing links is close to 100%.”的站长Matthew Woodward在此策略上也取得了巨大成功:

“Having your link published in new content is much more natural than link inserts or even worse… link exchanges! These need to be avoided as they are manipulated links that carry a high risk.”

下面是一个非常不错的Guest Post邀请邮件示例,但是如果SEO运营在第一封邮件里包含个性化的称呼等元素,那就更好了:



Daniel Foley(Daniel Foley的董事)分享了另一种有用的外链建设策略。 信息图表不仅可以帮助你建立特定行业或领域的权威性,而且还是让客户分享你的链接的一种可靠方法。


“The great thing about infographics is that they tend to have a fairly long life span, especially with finite subjects. And you could see the links being shared again and again over a month or two. Expect the response to be quick and sharp. Giving you a few months to a year (depending on subject) to plan your next winning infographic-filled post.”



这是最直接有效的侧脸。 如果要从高权重的网站获得高质量的链接,则首先需要与运行它的人建立良好的关系。 Valerie Frolova喜欢把这类型的链接策略与著名品牌/IP进行合作进行比较:

“It’s like two musicians decided to cooperate on creating a new song (especially when it’s two different genres). You get a marvelous result when people like it, and each side attracts a new audience.”




让我们从直接的方法开始-搜索引擎。 如果你是在没有任何工具的情况下手动进行外链扩展,那么谷歌搜索是个好的开始。 你需要做的就是学习如何精确地进行搜索查询。


迪帕克·舒克拉(Deepak Shukla)在这项技术的帮助下,在SEO专家领域寻找合作伙伴取得了巨大成功:

“In general, Google searches for ‘top bloggers/experts/influencers in X industry’ make it easy to find people you connect with. In terms of criteria, we try to partner with those with equivalent metrics to us in areas such as Domain Authority, traffic trust flow, or brand recognition.”


当然,您可以外链工作更轻松,借用工具来抓取与你的细分市场相关的网站。 例如,马修·伍德沃德(Matthew Woodward)使用Ahrefs等工具对竞争对手的反向链接进行反向工程:

“The links these sites have pointing to them are already approved by Google as they are positioned in the top spots so it makes sense to try and replicate their best backlinks. Depending on your niche, you can pull thousands of opportunities together in a matter of seconds.”

Expert roundups

同时,Alicja Olko(sixads的外联经理)认为,Expert roundups文章是构建外链并建立有价值联系的最佳方法之一:

“Approach people featured in the same expert roundup as you. They are usually other marketers, CEOs, editors, and managers working within the same niche, so they naturally share the same interest and goal. Look them up on LinkedIn, reach out with a friendly email explaining the connection, and enjoy building up your network! 

I try to keep it simple, professional, and to the point. The reply rate for those kinds of outreach emails is in my case 22%.”

或者,你可以创建自己的专家综述(就像我们在本文中所做的那样),提出问题,然后让专家和同行提供答案。 这样的内容是可以共享的。

同时,补充一点,使用Hepling a Reporter网站不错,可以获得很多行业专家的内容。


在社交媒体上保持活跃是建立外链的必要条件。 Techloris的首席执行官Shayne Sherman认为,保持社交媒体活跃可以看到各种各样的人和公司进一步分享您的最佳帖子,并大大提高您的知名度:

“You get the benefit of knowing how well your link is received fairly quickly, as a regular post on Twitter will usually fail or succeed in the first 30 minutes. With Facebook and LinkedIn, this can take a bit longer with the algorithms working against a natural burst of interest.”



47%的陌生邮件因为标题而被打开。 因此,标题非常重要!我们的专家建议激发接收者的好奇心的一些标题构思策略包括:

最后一个似乎很简单,但是SEO运营通常会忘记个性化设置。 而且,我们甚至没有谈论深入挖掘以了解有关您要联系的人的更多信息。 我们每天会收到很多邮件,上面写着“Dear sir/madam”。 你是否愿意阅读其余内容?

马修·伍德沃德(Matthew Woodward)认为,标题中的幽默很重要,使用幽默感让用户产生好奇打开邮件。

“Something humorous that touches on the topic of your email but also makes them want to open it… Again not one size fits all but we have found this method to be the most successful. Something like, “Here we go again… Another outreach email requesting a backlink!”

Packhelp SEO负责人Phil Forbes建议你写一个与邮件内容完全无关但在其收件箱中脱颖而出的标题,这会使你的收件人感到意外。

“I’ve been using “Your favorite sports team will lose this weekend.” It certainly gets opened — and then the hardest part of your job is done, and your witty prose and value proposition can do the rest.”





如果您要称赞一个人,请确保是有意义的称赞。使用真实的数据和真实的体验来证明你的称赞。 这会让你的合作伙伴感觉到你的诚意。

以下是Deepak Shukla所说的话:

“The campaign with the best result will be the one with the most evidence of success. Saying ‘Hey, I know your platform. I’ve used it and I love it! I’d love to share with your audience the results I’ve seen from it, and I’m someone I think your readers would associate with.” This type of outreach makes sense.

Anytime we’ve seen a positive result from a software tool that we’ve enjoyed using, we’ll reach out to them and use that to form a relationship. It’s genuine outreach that brings value —  and it works!”


不要用垃圾邮件去骚扰别人,对待拒绝要坦然接受。 即使你想要链接的网站站长没有回复你,以后还有尝试的机会。

由于人们的注意力时间较短,因此你的邮件接收者可能会分心。 通过跟进邮件,你21%的机会得到邮件回复。 因此,我们建议跟进不超过3次,而我们咨询的大多数专家都同意这一点。 正如弗拉德·史维斯(Paladform)分享:

“We usually send just one follow-up, 7-10 days after the first email. If it goes unanswered, we leave the responders alone.”

同时,亚历山德拉·基洛娃(Alexandra Khilova)完全不偏向使用跟进邮件,除非有强意愿的沟通,你怎么看?

“I use follow-ups when we have a dialog. If they don’t answer my pitch for the 1st time, I don’t send follow-ups. I track all my emails and I see that my message was opened, and nobody answered. Sooo, they are not interested, and I don’t waste my time following up with these guys.”

如果你决定使用跟进邮件,请考虑时间设置。 马修·伍德沃德(Matthew Woodward)认为,避免在一周的几天内发送邮件是进行跟进邮件的一个好主意:

“Make sure you don’t send follows up at the same time or day, change it up for a better chance of getting a response and avoid sending anything on Friday-Monday if you don’t want to get lost in the mass of emails most businesses have to wade through on a Monday morning.”





Ahrefs (Valerie Frolova的选择)

“Ahrefs gives mostly all stats and characteristics I need for websites’ analysis, e.g., content explorer tool for following topics I’m interested in.”

对我们大多数人来说,最重要的是搜索量,尽管其他工具也提供了此信息,但Ahrefs的结果更为准确。 借助Ahrefs,你可以分析竞争对手,查看指向他们页面的每个反向链接,并通过反向链接发现无效页面,这会需要你花几个月的时间。

而且,如果您不确定要与哪些页面竞争,Ahrefs关键字资源管理器和SERP概述将为您显示每个排名靠前的页面有多少个链接。 (Deepak Shukla的选择)

“We found that building email campaigns, both for ourselves and clients, was becoming time-consuming. We needed a way to streamline the process, as well as to ensure that the quality of our campaigns didn’t take a nose-dive as a result. was the perfect solution to this challenge.”

与潜在的合作伙伴联系并要求他们提供链接已经是一项艰巨的任务。 当你没有邮箱地址可发送邮件时,这似乎几乎是不可能的。




SE ranking (Alexandra Khilova的选择)

“I use SE Ranking for monitoring my backlinks as we have a lot of projects.”

关键字搜索,排名和跟踪-这个功能强大的平台提供了创建最佳广告系列所需的所有SEO工具。 您可以根据不同的参数评估网站,获取竞争对手的反向链接,比较您的可见度等级,并导入反向链接及其详细分析。

此外,通过SE排名,您可以轻松地制定出营销计划和全球业务发展战略来拓展自己的业务。 使用此关键字研究工具可以更好地理解社交媒体对受众的影响。

Pitchbox (Matthew Woodward的选择)

“We are die-hard Pitchbox users… I can’t emphasize enough just how good this tool is!”

你可以在此有影响力的外展平台中进行所有操作。 他们甚至集成了一些顶级的反向链接检查器工具!

每个营销活动都可以完全个性化。你查看站点,该工具会为您查找联系信息,加载邮件模板,并且对未回复者自动进行所有跟进。 然后,你可以在Pitchbox中管理响应。 并且,一旦链接处于活跃状态,你就可以使用它们的链接监视工具来确保它们保持这种状态! (Ron Evan的选择)

“We use PitchBox for outreach, for looking into email addresses of websites, and Ahrefs to look into the metrics and backlinks of a website (it’s good for competitor research, as you can send outreach campaigns to all the strong backlinks of your competitors).”

这是Thrive Agency的SEO运营经理Ron Evan Del Rosario使用的另一个工具。 它结合了Gmail的邮箱搜索,邮箱验证程序和MailTracker。 它让你可以轻松地寻找所有专业人员的邮箱地址。 借助Chrome扩展程序和批量域名搜索,Hunter.io成为任何公司推广策略的绝佳补充工具。


我们在上文中已经提到了一些SEO工具,你可能会想知道如何查找和验证潜在合作伙伴的邮箱以扩大覆盖范围。 让我们向您展示如何使用。



现在转到公司资料并启动 Email Finder扩展程序。你可以使用这个扩展程序找到所需的联系人的邮箱地址。 如果找不到作者,则可以寻找编辑或营销人员的联系人邮箱,申请外链。


你还可以使用Snov.io邮箱地址查找工具应用程序查找所有公司潜在客户或网站邮箱。 选择域名搜索,在工具中输入一个网站,它将向您显示与之关联的所有电子邮箱地址。 选择你需要联系的人,并将他们添加到您的潜在客户列表就可以了。

如果公司规模很大,并且您不想花时间浏览员工联系人,则可以使用“单个邮箱地址搜索”工具找到合适的潜在客户。 只要输入此人的姓名和域名,它就会为您提供他们的电子邮箱地址。

在Snov.io中找到的所有邮箱地址都已经预先验证。 如果您在简历中找到文章作者的电子邮件地址,建议您使用电子邮箱验证程序检查该邮箱地址是否仍然有效。



SEO外链建设并没有一种万能的方法,条条大路通罗马。 这全都取决于您的策略:品牌提及、Guest Blogging,直接邀请外链。




Gary Pu是一个创意型的营销策略专家。他输出营销底层方法论,支持内容输出,包括短视频和博客文章。在非工作时间,他喜欢学习数据、逻辑方面的知识,以防止创意飞出天际。