

如果你是一名 B2B 销售人员,你可能会经常面临这样的困境:你想要通过邮件联系潜在的客户,但是你不知道该如何写出一封吸引人的、专业的、有效的外贸开发信。你可能会感到沮丧和无助,甚至开始怀疑自己的销售能力。

如果你正面临这样的困境,那么我有一个好消息要告诉你:有一种神奇的工具可以帮助你解决这个问题,它就是 ChatGPT。

相信我们对这个工具都不感到陌生了,但你是否有想过利用这个强大的 AI 来解决你邮件营销的烦恼?

接下来,我将为你介绍 ChatGPT 是如何工作的,以及如何利用 ChatGPT 写营销邮件。

我还附带了一些现成的提示词模板,以增强与你的 ChatGPT 之间的沟通。

B2B 销售专家如何利用 ChatGPT 撰写邮件

在 ChatGPT 的帮助下,你可以轻松地从头撰写一封邮件。然而,ChatGPT 终究是一个能力有限的软件,它也可能会提供一些看起来有点不靠谱的回应,所以如果你想从它那里得到有帮助的回应,你需要给它一些指导。

与人类沟通有时并不那么容易 — 你需要花很多精力让另一个人理解你想说的东西,反之亦然。人工智能也是如此。

你需要向 ChatGPT 提供你所拥有的所有信息,提出问题、要求改进或重新生成回答,直到你得到想要的结果。按照我们的提示来优化与 ChatGPT 的沟通,能让你的工作变得更容易一些。

#1 明确定义你的目标


ChatGPT 需要了解你的目标和优先事项,才能为你提供有效的信息。明确你的具体需求,并要求 AI 为你提供最符合情况的提示词。

#2 表达要具体

ChatGPT 不会读心术,所以你要把你的想法写给它,尽可能具体地说明您想要实现的目标。

仅仅告诉 ChatGPT 您需要一封关于您产品的电子邮件是不够的。您还需要添加更多细节 — 例如,您需要一封推广免费试用套餐的电子邮件,目标受众是运输业的小企业主。


#3 提供背景

尽可能多地提供关于你的业务、行业、目标受众、当前的营销和销售工作、交易状况、挑战和目标的背景。你提供的背景越多,ChatGPT 的建议就越有针对性和相关性。

例如,不要只说:“帮我写一封邮件,安排一次会议”。你可以给 ChatGPT 一个完整的故事:

“我是 Snov.io 的销售代表,我已经在 ABC 公司培养了6个月的潜在客户 John Smith。John 似乎对我们新的邮箱预热工具感兴趣,要求进行演示。演示进行得很顺利,约翰说他想谈谈下一步,但现在他却对我视而不见。我真的很想和约翰见面,让这笔交易取得进展。你能帮我起草一封电子邮件,让他在下周与我会面吗?”

提供过去成功的邮件的例子也是一个好方法。ChatGPT 会从例子中学习,所以提供你最好的邮件的模板和样本会帮助它模仿你的风格和语气。

snovio templates

有了这些背景,ChatGPT 会针对你的情况,制作出更有吸引力的电子邮件。这封邮件将直接称呼你的潜在客户的名字、说起你最近的积极互动、强调你的解决方案的好处、并传达一种想要与对方面对面交流的迫切心情。

→ 阅读我们的文章,学习如何写一封专业的电子邮件

#4 使用口语化的语言

ChatGPT 能够掌握自然的语言和基本语法,所以你不需要对它使用复杂的术语和复杂的句子结构。只需用平实的语言陈述你的问题或请求,就像你和朋友聊天一样。

#5 针对语气和情感的提示词

在为 ChatGPT 制作撰写电子邮件的提示词时,记得指定邮件的语气。在提示词中添加带有情感的词语,以引导 AI 生成具有所需情感的回应。

你可以考虑让你的 AI 在回复中加入表情符号,以增加个性和俏皮感。此外,在请求中使用表情符号也有助于 ChatGPT 产生更有创意和吸引力的回应🙂。

#6 设置限制

为你希望 ChatGPT 生成的电子邮件内容指定应该和不应该包括什么,以及你的邮件应该有多长。

#7 实验

大胆尝试不同的方法。使用 ChatGPT 创建不同的标题、CTA 和信息,然后进行 A/B 测试,在你启动邮件营销之前,看看什么能让你的受众产生共鸣。


如果你正在使用或考虑使用 Snov.io 的邮件自动化营销工具,你可以利用我们个性化的电子邮件模板进行邮件营销。它们能产生持久的影响并改善营销结果。

snov.io templates

另外,你也可以利用 ChatGPT 的力量,为你的邮件营销制作有吸引力的电子邮件。

无论你选择哪种方式,邮件自动化营销都是你成功推广的最终解决方案,它能确保你的邮件准确地进入正确的收件箱,而不是无效的收件箱或垃圾箱。点击这里,探索 Snov.io 邮件自动化营销的无限可能性。

邮件写作的 ChatGPT 提示词的16个模板

在没有具体指示的情况下向 AI 系统寻求帮助,可能会得到一个牛头不对马嘴的回应。

所以,在你开始写 ChatGPT 提示词之前,请记住这个小提示:仔细选择你的提示词。最简单的方法是套用我们的 ChatGPT 电子邮件写作提示词模板,根据你的数据进行调整,并在你的邮件营销中使用它。




Please write an engaging cold email to introduce our new cutting-edge product [Product/service name] to potential B2B clients in the [Specify your industry] field in [Specify the region and location of the target market].

Highlight the key features [Specify them], benefits [Specify them], and how it addresses their specific pain points or challenges [Specify them].

Craft a compelling subject line and opening that grabs their attention and encourages them to read further. Include a CTA that prompts them to learn more or schedule a demo.



Please write a persuasive cold email to potential B2B partners in the [Specify your industry]. Explain the value of collaborating or forming a partnership and how it can benefit both parties. Highlight the synergies, shared goals, or growth opportunities.

Personalize the email based on their expertise or offerings [Provide details]. Craft a strong value proposition and propose a next step for further discussion or exploration.



Please write a compelling cold email to introduce our company’s unique value proposition [Insert specification] to potential B2B clients in the tech field. Communicate the benefits and advantages of working with our company, such as innovative solutions, exceptional customer service, or industry expertise.

Tailor the message to resonate with their specific needs or pain points. Include social proof or testimonials to build credibility and trust [Provide social proof to ChatGPT so that it can integrate it into your email].



Please write a cold email offering a product demo/free trial of our new solution [Your product name] to potential B2B clients [Specify the target market]. Explain the value and benefits they can experience by trying out our product [Provide the complete list of benefits to ChatGPT].

Highlight key features, use cases, and success stories. Craft a compelling subject line that grabs their attention and creates a sense of urgency. Include a clear CTA that encourages them to request the demo or trial.



Please write an engaging cold email inviting potential B2B customers in the [Industry] field to attend our upcoming webinar/thought leadership event [Webinar/thought leadership event name]. The event will take place at [Location] on [Date and time].

Highlight the valuable insights, industry trends, or expert advice they will gain by participating [Provide all relevant information regarding the event]. Explain the relevance of the topics to their business and emphasize the knowledge-sharing and networking opportunities.

Craft a subject line and opening that create excitement and curiosity. Include a CTA to register for the event.



Please write a respectful cold email seeking expert advice or opinion from influential professionals in the [State the industry] industry. Clearly explain the purpose of the email [Provide your details], why their expertise is valued, and how their insights can help us improve or innovate.

Personalize the email based on their specific expertise or prior work. Craft a subject line and opening that show genuine interest and respect. Ask specific questions [Insert relevant info to prepare the questions] to encourage a meaningful response.




Please write a warm and engaging email to welcome new subscribers to our [Company] newsletter. Introduce our brand, express gratitude for their subscription, and highlight the value they’ll receive from our content [Provide relevant info]. Include a CTA to encourage further engagement.



We are [Company name] providing the [Specify key features of your service]. Please write an onboarding email to guide new clients through the process of getting started with our service.

Provide a step-by-step guide that explains key features, account setup, and how to maximize the benefits of our service [Provide relevant info]. Use a friendly and informative tone.



Please write a referral request email to our [Your company name] satisfied customers. Clearly explain the benefits of our services [Provide relevant info] and ask them to refer us to their network. Provide incentives for successful referrals, such as discounts or rewards [Insert relevant info].



Please write a friendly and persuasive email reminding recipients about an upcoming event or webinar that will take place [Provide the date, time, and location of the event]. Highlight the key details, agenda, and special guests/speakers [Special guests or speakers].

Create a sense of excitement and emphasize the value they will gain by attending.



Please write a post-purchase follow-up email to customers, thanking them for their recent purchase at [Company name]. Recommend related products that complement their purchase and provide additional value [Insert the list of products/services you want to upsell]. Craft a persuasive and personalized upsell offer.



Please write an email to re-engage subscribers who haven’t interacted with our content for some time. Use a friendly and casual tone to reconnect with them, remind them of the value we provide, and offer an incentive to re-engage.



Please write an email inviting customers to participate in a survey to provide feedback on their experience with our brand/product [Your brand/product name]. Clearly explain the purpose of the survey, assure them their feedback is valuable, and offer an incentive or reward [Provide relevant info].




Please write an email to announce limited-time holiday sales/seasonal offers [Insert the offer details] to our existing customer base. Create a sense of excitement and emphasize the limited duration of the offer. Highlight the benefits/discounts available [Provide relevant info] and use persuasive language to drive conversions.

提示词模板#15: 激励客户购买的 VIP 独家特惠


We are [Company name] providing the [Specify key features of your service]. Please craft a tailor-made email to our VIP customers, offering them an exclusive incentive as a token of appreciation for their loyalty.

Personalize the email by mentioning their VIP status and include [A special discount, access to exclusive content, early access to new products…insert your variant]. Make the recipients feel valued and appreciated. Craft a compelling CTA to encourage immediate action.

提示词模板#16: 提供行业新闻和有效提示的教育性邮件


Please write an informative email to provide our subscribers with [Industry] news, trends, and valuable tips. Share relevant insights, statistics, or case studies demonstrating our company’s field expertise. Make the email engaging and actionable, with practical takeaways for the recipients.

ChatGPT 邮件写作提示的例子

现在让我们来看看如何使用 ChatGPT 邮件写作提示词模板,鼓励 AI 工具生成销售邮件。



Please write an email inviting our existing clients [Target audience] to enroll in our brand new FREE course [Course name] on [Course topic]. Introduce the course: the course is designed for [Beginners/Savvy pros], taught by [Instructor name], has [N] sections, [N] lectures, and each [Duration]. This is what they will learn [Course content]. Include a CTA. Use a [Specify] tone. No more than [Word count].

下面是我们如何使用这个提示词模板来邀请我们的目标受众参加 Snov.io 的教育课程:

ChatGPT prompt

而这就是 ChatGPT 在短短几秒钟内给出的回应:

ChatGPT response

ChatGPT 4 回应

ChatGPT response

ChatGPT 3.5 回应

现在,你只要使用 ChatGPT 电子邮件提示词模板,并将它根据你的需要进行定制,就大功告成了!

对 ChatGPT 邮件写作进行整体把控

尽管 ChatGPT 很先进,但它仍然是一个需要被训练的人工智能。它的知识只来自于我们人类教给它的东西,因此也会有相当部分的不完美。对于 ChatGPT 的电子邮件回复草稿,我们要多加审查。

在你点击发送之前,审查 ChatGPT 撰写的内容。对邮件进行一次检查,以确保以下几点:


ChatGPT 不能复制你公司的独特个性和声音,但你可以让邮件看起来像出自你公司员工之手,而不是一个过于热情的机器人。


ChatGPT 会弄错细节或擅自做出假设,最终导致信息不正确。仔细检查邮件中的统计数据、产品声明或行业数据,否则它可能成为传播假新闻的罪魁祸首。


虽然 ChatGPT 可以写出语法正确的句子,但其内容可能缺乏逻辑性和连贯性。手动编辑邮件草稿,确保信息有效传递,提高邮件内容的可读性。


AI 的知识来自于公共互联网,所以它的回复可能包含不敏感的、不道德的或法律上有问题的内容。仔细审查它所写的内容以避免尴尬或引发法律问题。


ChatGPT 可能会忽略或不够强调你邮件中最重要的部分。将其草稿与你的原始谈话要点进行比较,以保证所有的关键信息都得到充分的传达。


如果你的提示词包括了让 ChatGPT 处理的具体问题,请仔细检查 AI 是否对每个问题都做出了充分的回应。跟进它遗漏的要点,并要求 ChatGPT 针对遗漏的要点分别做出回应。

在你的审查和修改下,ChatGPT 邮件写作可以成为你可靠的助手。但它不能完全替代你的努力,你仍然需要对 ChatGPT 撰写的内容进行把控,因为你才是最了解你的业务和客户的。积极与 ChatGPT 互动,以充分利用它的价值。


虽然 AI 可能无法完全取代人类的文案撰写,但 ChatGPT 可以成为一个宝贵的工具来优化你的电子邮件写作流程。通过 ChatGPT 优化你的沟通,你可以在一分钟内得到一封写好的外贸开发信。

ChatGPT 与 Snov.io 的邮件自动化营销工具的结合为客户开发带来了突破性与可能性。它们帮助你创建具有吸引力的内容,确保你每次都能接触到正确的人。


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