

电子邮件营销在外贸人的日常工作中,往往扮演着不可或缺的角色,而提到外贸开发信,许多外贸人却经常挫败感满满 — 精心撰写的外贸开发信总是石沉大海,像是拳头打在了棉花上。





不仅如此,根据 Barriliance 的数据,仅在2021年,在点击过邮件的人群中,平均电子邮件转换率为15.22%,而对于所有发送的电子邮件,这一比率为1.33%

此外,根据 Marketer Email Tracker 2021 报告,在所有与客户进行联系的方式中,72%的企业仍然选择电子邮件,而92%的客户同样将电子邮件列为与他们最喜欢的品牌接触的首要渠道。

Preferred communication channels

来源: Marketer Email Tracker 2021

我们来看看 MailMunch 通过电子邮件营销获得的当前收入和预期收入。Email marketing revenue



  • 它能帮助您更加精确地锁定目标受众,对发送出去的信息有更多的掌控。
  • 让您与现有的和潜在的客户保持联系,与他们长期建立更好的关系。
  • 协助改善您的其他渠道的营销,如社交媒体平台,以赢得客户的信任,提高他们从您这里购买产品的动机。
  • 电子邮件营销的结果更加容易跟踪和评估,而且比其他营销渠道便宜得多。
  • 激发客户的购买行动,特别是当您通知他们有限时特价活动时。
  • 提高品牌知名度。
  • 让您能为满足客户的确切需求而采用一种更加个性化的方式。电子邮件营销可以根据您的客户在销售周期中的位置,监测他们的购买意愿。
  • 提高网站流量。电子邮件营销可以让您的客户了解他们的需求和愿望,并让他们关注到您能提供的额外服务。例如,一次基于他们过去的购买和兴趣的主题为“为您推荐”的营销,能为您的网站博取更多的关注。

集客邮件营销 vs. 出站邮件营销



另外,还有一种出站式电子邮件营销,这种营销方式是针对那些尚未对您的业务表现出兴趣的人,在某种程度上类似于陌生电访(cold call),它针对的是那些对您的公司不熟悉或对您的产品和服务知之甚少的受众。

Inbound vs outbound marketing



出站式营销中,您会使用外贸开发信或 cold call 等方式首先接触到潜在客户,而这些客户通常没有很强的意愿,因此参与度较低。

Snovio discount




撰写集客式营销的电子邮件模板是一件很容易的事,因为您已经知道收件人对您的业务感兴趣。无论是要求免费试用您的产品,还是订阅了您的电子报、或者想要获得您作为用户吸铁石(lead magnet)设置的折扣,他们都已经上钩了。




为了使您的模板更加具体和有针对性,您应该精确地细分您的目标客户群,这将使您能够对电子邮件进行微调,以提高转化率和点击率。您可以使用 CRM 技术,根据受众的以下情况,轻松地划分受众名单:

  • 职位
  • 行业
  • 地点
  • 人口统计学数据
  • 与您的关系类型(B2B vs. B2C),等等。


#1. 集客式营销的电子邮件模板:介绍新功能


Subject line: We’re excited to share [Product Name]’s new feature!

Hi [Prospect Name],

We wanted to share some exciting news – we’ve just added [Feature] to our [Product Name], and we think your team will appreciate these new developments when bringing their lead generation process to a brand-new level. Here’s a quick breakdown of the benefits:

  • [Benefit 1]
  • [Benefit 2]
  • [Benefit 3]

Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.

All the best,

[Your Name and Title]



根据 Wistia 的数据,带有信息图表和视频内容的电子邮件的点击率和打开率可以提高55%。当人们只是听到某些信息时,三天后他们可能只记得这些信息的10%。但如果配上相关的图片,人们可能会保留65%的记忆。


#2. 集客式营销的电子邮件模板:分享有价值的内容


Subject line: X helpful blog posts about [Prospect’s pain point]

Hi [Prospect Name],

Hope you benefited from downloading our fresh guide on using advanced email lookup tools. I just wanted to reach out and give you some extra ideas on where to find more quality leads using the tools you’ve already discovered in our guide:

  • [Resource 1]
  • [Resource 2]
  • [Resource 3]
  • [Resource 4]

When you have a few minutes, check them out and let me know your thoughts! I think they provide strong insights into [Blog post topics].

Thank you,

[Your Name and Title]


用 Snov.io 建立起属于你的忠实客户群体

Address customer pain points effectively!




#3. 集客式营销的电子邮件模板:进行产品演示


Subject line: Can I help with [Product Name]?

Hi [Prospect Name],

I noticed that you recently requested a demo of [Product Name], and I wanted to reach out to let you know that I’m here to answer any questions you may have and give additional context behind this demo and why it can be helpful for you.

Our demo offers [Description of what the demo provides] and can help you achieve things like:

  • [Benefit 1]
  • [Benefit 2]
  • [Benefit 3]

Are you available for a 15-minute call this week to discuss the demo in more detail? I’m confident we can help you take your workflow to the next level, and I’d love to learn more about your specific needs.

Please let me know if that works for you, and I’ll send over a few available times!

Best regards,

[Your Name and Title]



不言而喻,您所有的集客式邮件都应该是个性化的,以使您的潜在客户感到被关注和重视,这可以让您与他们建立更深的联系。您还可以根据触发客户购买动机的事件(customer trigger)或自然的销售周期来微调您的跟进邮件的发送时间。

#4. 集客式营销的电子邮件模板:告知漏洞已经修复


Subject line: All sorted!

Hi [Prospect Name],

Thank you for your prompt feedback regarding our free [Product Name] trial. Your input was extremely valuable, and I’m happy to let you know that we’ve fixed the issue affecting your account. You can now start using the feature right away!

We’ve also added an extra 50 credits to your account to show our appreciation for your patience. That’s right – 50 free credits to keep using [Product Name] you’ve been testing out.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Our team is always here to help.

Thanks again for your valuable feedback, and happy hunting!

Kind regards,

[Your Name and Title]



#5. 集客式营销的电子邮件模板:进行用户调查


Subject line: Let us know!

Hi [Prospect Name],

At [Company Name], we’re committed to delivering the most relevant and informative content to our blog subscribers. But we know that everyone’s needs and interests are different, and we want to ensure we meet your expectations.

That’s why we’re running a quick survey to gather your feedback on the content we’ve been sharing. We want to know how we can improve and provide you with even more valuable insights into the industry.

  1. On a scale of 1 to 5, how relevant do you find our content?
  2. Are there any topics you’d like to see us cover more often?

We’re open to any and all suggestions, so don’t be shy – speak your mind!

Your opinion matters to us, and we appreciate your time in helping us improve our content strategy. Thank you for being a part of our community and your ongoing support.

Best regards,

[Your Name and Title]



#6. 集客式营销的电子邮件模板:邀请客户免费试用产品


Subject line: You asked, we deliver!

Hi [Prospect Name],

Thank you for reaching out with your request for information about our [Product Name]. I’m excited to share the many features that make our platform a top choice for sales teams.

With our [Product Name], you can streamline your sales process, improve your team’s collaboration, and stay organized with ease. Our free trial gives you access to all of these features and more.

Here are just a few of the ways our [Product Name] can help you succeed:

  • [Benefit 1]
  • [Benefit 2]
  • [Benefit 3]

But don’t just take my word for it – give it a try yourself with our free trial. I’ve included a link below for your convenience.


If you have any additional questions or requests, don’t hesitate to reach out.


[Your Name and Title]



#7. 集客式营销的电子邮件模板:网络研讨会报名


Subject line: Re: Let’s optimize your prospecting and lead search

Hi [Customer Name],

I wanted to follow up on my previous email regarding your interest in [Product Name]. Are you interested in a consultation on optimizing your prospecting and lead search using [Product Name] features?

If you’re available this week, I would love to chat with you.

Alternatively, I’ve attached a link to my calendar for you to schedule a demo at your convenience.


[Product Name] has a lot in store for your business, and I’m here to help you navigate it. Let’s explore its potential together and see how it can benefit your business. Looking forward to hearing back from you.

Kind regards,

[Your Name and Title]

#7. 集客式营销的电子邮件模板:网络研讨会报名跟进 (1)


Subject line: Re: Let’s optimize your prospecting and lead search

Hi [Customer Name],

I wanted to follow up on my previous email regarding your interest in [Product Name]. Are you interested in a consultation on optimizing your prospecting and lead search using [Product Name] features?

If you’re available this week, I would love to chat with you.

Alternatively, I’ve attached a link to my calendar for you to schedule a demo at your convenience.


[Product Name] has a lot in store for your business, and I’m here to help you navigate it. Let’s explore its potential together and see how it can benefit your business. Looking forward to hearing back from you.

Kind regards,

[Your Name and Title]

#7. 集客式营销的电子邮件模板:网络研讨会报名跟进 (2)


Subject line: Put your lead search on auto-pilot for free

Hi [Customer Name],

I’m checking in again about the [Product Name] demo we discussed before. Did you have the time to check the available dates for scheduling a meeting?

I understand how busy things can get, but I’m hoping to assist you with automating your lead search and outreach efforts with ultimate ease.

If you’re still interested in testing our [Product Name], I’ve included the link try it out for free.


We value your opinion, so please let us know how it goes. We’re here to assist you in any way we can.

Kind regards,

[Your Name and Title]



作为一个数字时代的cold call,它们往往不那么被大众接受。这就是为什么要确保您的收件人是您的目标客户之一,并有可能从您的产品或服务中受益。


Outbound email template formula




不要玩一些糟糕的把戏,比如用“Re: ”开始您的标题,以假装是在回复接收者的邮件。这显得您不诚实,会毁掉您给潜在客户的第一印象。

#8. 出站式营销的电子邮件模板:讨论客户在社交媒体上的发问


Subject line: Are you prepared to overcome [Challenge]?

Hi [Prospect Name],

I recently saw your question on [Social media channel] about the best [Product] for automated lead generation. As a company like yours, investing in the right lead generation tools is essential, and we believe our [Product Name] can meet your requirements, including:

  • [Requirement 1]
  • [Requirement 2]
  • [Requirement 3]

Our [Product Name] offers a free trial that provides insights into [Overcoming challenge]. Please let me know if you’re interested in trying it out!

Best Regards,

[Your Name and Title]





#9. 出站式营销的电子邮件模板:讨论客户在社交媒体上的评论


Subject line: You’ll love this!

Hi [Prospect Name],

I’ve seen your LinkedIn comment on failed email drip campaigns due to untimely dispatch and decided to reach out.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could schedule your emails according to different time zones? Well, say no more. We have designed a new email scheduler just for you.

If you’re interested in giving it a try, just reply to this email, and we’ll set you up with a free trial.

Best regards,

[Your Name and Title]





Snov.io 集成为您提供各种你需要的交易服务

From sales and CRM to lead generation and scheduling tools

#10. 出站式营销的电子邮件模板:提及共同联系人


Subject line: Let’s overcome [Problem A], [Problem B], and [Problem C] together

Hi [Prospect Name],

As a [Your job role] at [Your company name], I wanted to reach out to you specifically regarding [Company function] at [Prospect’s company name]. I recently spoke with [Mutual connection name], and they mentioned that you might be the go-to person for this area.

I’d love to get on a call next week to discuss how we can help you overcome:

  • [Problem A]
  • [Problem B]
  • [Problem C]

We specialize in [Service 1] and [Service 2] that can help businesses like yours overcome these exact issues.

If you’re not the right person to approach this, could you please refer me to the decision-maker responsible for [Company function]?

Thank you for your time, and I hope to hear from you soon.

Best regards,

[Your Name and Title]



#11. 出站式营销的电子邮件模板:用数据充实内容


Subject line: Boost your follow-up success rate today

Hi [Prospect Name],

Did you know that 44% of salespeople give up after just one follow-up? Crazy, right?

But with [Product Name], you can swoop in and save the day. Our tool will help you land in your prospects’ inboxes and get the follow-up you need to make the sale.

Are you ready to get ahead of the game? Let us know, and we’ll be happy to help.

Looking forward to working with you!


[Your Name and Title]



请使用一贯的号召性用语(call to action),以告诉您的潜在客户您希望他们做什么,并友好地邀请他们在社交媒体上关注您的企业、订阅您的电子报或博客。

您可以根据您的潜在客户的实际状况来给他们发送可以触发他们购买行动的电子邮件 — 这是一个能与他们保持对话的好方法。

#12. 出站式营销的电子邮件模板:用难以置信的事实引起客户的兴趣


Subject line: Ready to take [Prospect’s product name] game to the next level?

Hi [Prospect Name],

Did you know that [Add exciting facts related to your business?]

We found it hard to believe, too, when we first heard that!

But it is possible. We here at [Your company name] have crafted the perfect solution to [Problem].

If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, simply reply to this email, and my team and I will be happy to set up a demo call. We’ll walk you through the process and show you just how [Product Name] can take your game to the next level.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to elevate your business. We’re looking forward to hearing from you!


[Your Name and Title]





使用像 Snov.io 邮件自动化营销这样的工具,您可以创建具有自动跟进功能的个性化营销邮件,并有效地管理您的潜在客户。


此外,通过免费的 API 功能,您可以对潜在客户列表、营销活动进行一系列操作,并查看实时的统计数据。

Snov.io 邮件自动化营销


Snov.io Email Drip Campaigns





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